Thursday, June 25, 2009

For Sure a Girl...??

I was SOOO nervous when I went for my doctors appt. a couple of weeks ago!!! I was not supposed to find out whether Madelynn was a girl or a boy until I went to my doctor at 25 weeks. But because NO ONE ELSE has to wait that long, and I could not be patient...I went to an ultrasound place and had a gender determination done. The lady there was almost %100 absolutely sure that it was a girl, so I really had no reason to doubt her except when I told my doctor...he downplayed it. So when I went in to do the sono I was so nervous that the doctor would find an extra tbody part that the ultrasound tech had needless to say I was so relieved when he confirmed she was a girl. My mom and I both were so nervous that we both gave a huge sigh of relief when the doctor pointed out the baby's femur (we thought he said female). haha I even sighed and said "I am so glad to hear you say that!!!" He must have thought I was nuts...or had some sort of weird "femurless" relatives...??? Anyways- I do not have a scanner so here are some random pictures of things being worked on lately. Her room is coming together, and I cant wait to see it all put together.

Some of her new things in her room, and some of her new purchases....


4sweetboys1princess said...

cute room!
Does she have a mohawk??

4sweetboys1princess said...

I know, I was just messing with you.

About Me

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We are the Boyd Family. Now we consist of three...and a dog named Sadie. The newest member of our family, Madelynn, is already THREE! We cannot believe how fast time flew!