Sunday, February 28, 2010


This is Madelynn's favorite toy...we have seen it before on previous posts. She is now tall enough to move all the way around it---and spin to face other directions. I realize I need to put away the rest of the Christmas stuff (my weekends have been quite busy lately) but Madelynn has given me a slight taste of what it will be like next year when she is mobile. I found her in the living room like this with her arms reaching out trying to get the Nutcrackers...luckily her arms are still too short.

HAHA! You caught me Mom!!!

This is Madelynn watching her Baby Einstein Video...she LOVES it. She sits there staring at it and giggles. So cute.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Day Part Deux

Meet our Snow Family!
Snow Jeff, Madelynn, Marissa, and Sadie!

Snow Day

Lots of snow today. Since I never got any pictures of her out in the snow on Christmas, I was determined to get some this time. She liked it at first, then it started to gather on her eyelashes and then she was done with that. I love that she was trying to eat it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Mommy's helper--We have now found our feet. Anytime she is barefoot she is looking for those cute toes- especially when I am changing her diaper. It has actually proven to be quite helpful!

Madelynn's first playdate: This is her friend Gracelynn. They are around 3 weeks apart. Their daddys have been arranging their friendship since they were in mommy's belly before we knew that we were both having girls. At first it was plotting football domination but it quickly turned into tea party princesses. We went and hung out with them at a Go Kart/Mini Golf place. Lots of fun!

Favorite new toy! This toy is really cute...the thing she is sitting in can rotate around the table. She prefers the spot she is sitting in as this is the piano. Maybe soon she will figure out she can move around.

Our sweet happy girl. I thought this picture was funny...she is SOOOO excited about something???

About Me

My photo
We are the Boyd Family. Now we consist of three...and a dog named Sadie. The newest member of our family, Madelynn, is already THREE! We cannot believe how fast time flew!