Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Christmas at the Gaylord

One of my sweet parents from the dance studio gave us a weekend at the Gaylord Texan for their holiday celebrations. We had so much fun! We got to eat breakfast with the Shrek characters, meet the characters in a meet and greet session, and visit the Ice exhibit! 

Madelynn and Jeff and breakfast with Puss in Boots!

Eating her green Shrek inspired meal. She thought the green juice was a little weird but thoroughly enjoyed the fruit/marshmallows covered in green chocolate. 

With Shrek!

The hotel was decorated so beautifully for Christmastime.

She got an autograph book for the meet and greet and had a lot of fun getting the autrographs and coloring in it herself. 

Alex the Lion from Madagascar

Being silly with Shrek

She especially liked Puss in Boots...and I think Puss in Boots really liked her...

ICE! Exhibit - Madelynn was not thrilled with how cold it was...but Mommy and Daddy thought it was really neat! We got to bring my mom and dad too!

Loved that we got this opportunity! Such a fun memory for our family!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Holiday Part 2

Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning

We spent Christmas Eve at my parent's house with my two sisters and all of the cousins! We had a great time eating GREAT food, opening presents, and playing. 

We then came home and got ready for Santa to come. Santa got left over cupcakes from Christmas dinner because we were too busy to bake him special cookies... I don't think he minded. 

Shhhhhh.....Santa is here!

Christmas morning! Madelynn was so excited (and I think a little nervous) that Santa had come. She was so excited to get everything she had been asking for. It was so much fun seeing how happy and thankful she was. She is such a sweet girl. Also, you might notice a pot with something in it in the background...that is a pot of soup. Being silly, Madelynn asked Santa at the mall for a pot of soup along with the other toys she wanted. So he brought her some...

Thursday, April 4, 2013


We had a wonderful holiday season! Traditions changed some this year, but we made the best of it and still had a great time with family. 

Apparently this is the only picture I took for Thanksgiving...
 I made Madelynn's shirt (With moms help!) and we did our normal Thanksgiving meal with Jeff's family at his Grandma's house. YUM!!

Christmas with Jeff's family is traditionally at our house. This year we did a pot luck and Jeff's mom made chicken and dumplings. Everyone came over and we did gifts for the kids, and a gift exchange game for the adults. Madelynn had a very Disney Junior Christmas this year! (Similar to last year's Thomas Christmas!) 

Madelynn and her cousin Nate!

About Me

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We are the Boyd Family. Now we consist of three...and a dog named Sadie. The newest member of our family, Madelynn, is already THREE! We cannot believe how fast time flew!