Thursday, March 29, 2012

Road Trip!

This last weekend, Shara and I decided to take a quick trip to Abilene to see our Pepa with the two potty training toddlers. It was kind of crazy, but it was so much fun. We really enjoyed getting to spend time with Pepa, and letting the two littles have a fun weekend.

Madelynn getting to drive the tractor. All of the other kids are pros, but this was Madelynn's first time!

Letting Brady and Pepa chauffeur

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Obviously we have been busy around this house lately! I looked at my blog and realized that I hadn't posted since January, so here is a one post update! Jeff's company was making significant changes to their structure as well as pay plans so Jeff decided it was time to move on. He got a job with Bank of America, and is really liking his career switch so far. I have been working hard preparing for competitions and the upcoming recital at work. Madelynn has been enjoying her new dance class (without mommy). She actually participates, listens to the teacher, takes turns, etc. I am quite impressed! She really loves her teacher Miss Brenna.

We went to Chilis to celebrate Shara's Birthday- Madelynn and Brady confiscated the birthday dessert.

I don't know what this picture was...maybe I just thought she looked cute. (Which she does!)

Happy Valentines Day!

I just like this picture...but Madelynn was being my model for a "how-to" for one of the competitive groups hair for competition.

Madelynn loves to play Doctor. She hangs that stethoscope around her neck and checks us all out. She calls herself Dr. Madelynn.
I love that she thought to do this. She brought all of her "friends" and put them in her tent along with her pillow and blanket. She sat in there and watched a movie on the "patpat" (Ipad).

Happy Birthday Brady!
Hopefully it won't be so long before I post again....

About Me

My photo
We are the Boyd Family. Now we consist of three...and a dog named Sadie. The newest member of our family, Madelynn, is already THREE! We cannot believe how fast time flew!