Tuesday, February 26, 2013

State Fair of Texas!

In October, we went to State Fair! We always have a lot of fun and eat too much food! 

This is the parade that they have downtown at the start of the fair each year. We took the train to the fair, so we stopped downtown to eat lunch and watch the parade before heading to the fair. 

Looking at all the cars is always fun...Madelynn liked "testing" them out.

And you HAVE to get a Fletchers' Corn Dog!

Daddy won her some prizes...

She LOVES things you ride on. ANYTHING... cars, roller coasters...anything!

Playing at the pretend farm. 

And MY favorite...petting and feeding the zebras!

About Me

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We are the Boyd Family. Now we consist of three...and a dog named Sadie. The newest member of our family, Madelynn, is already THREE! We cannot believe how fast time flew!