Friday, October 26, 2012

Just keep moving...

Still catching up... In August, we were given the opportunity to stay at the Gaylord Texan hotel for the weekend for free! We were so excited and had such a good time. The hotel is amazing and the food was great too!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Continuing to Catch Up!

Continuing my effort to catch up...Madelynn started gymnastics this summer! She LOVED it. The picture below actually won us a free month of tuition in their Facebook picture contest. I posted it of her first day when she was so excited to have gotten stamps, stickers, and papers. 

In my last post, I mentioned that my best friend Amanda was getting married. I was the Matron of Honor and Madelynn was a Flower Girl. Here are some pictures of us at the Rehearsal and the Wedding!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Catching Up

I feel like I am always playing catch-up. I looked on here for probably the first time in 2 months and realized that I hadn't posted since the beginning of June. Shame on me, but I have been SOO busy. Busier than normal! Right now we are getting ready for Madelynn's THIRD birthday party this weekend, and things are finally starting to slow down at work. The months of July and August were crazy busy with working 12-15 hour days, managing the house, my best friend's wedding, and more! I am beginning to breath now and will catch up finally. 

These are a couple pictures of Madelynn with her dance teacher and friends from dance class. She loved her teacher Miss Brenna and her buddy Livi is the cutie in the second picture with the white shirt on. (She was in the potty during the first picture. :-) This year Madelynn has begun her "big girl" dance classes at Footlights where I work, and is loving those too! Pictures to come as I catch up!

In June, I hosted my best friend Amanda's wedding shower. It was lots of fun planning it, and I think it came out wonderful! This is a picture of us bridesmaids. Amanda is in the middle. 

We also took Madelynn to see her very first movie "Madagascar 3". She did so great! With the assistance of popcorn, she stayed in her seat and watched the movie with no problems. Pretty good for my wiggle worm! 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Grapevine Sea Life Aquarium

We took Madelynn to the Sea Life Aquarium in Grapevine, and she loved it! (We liked it too!) Her favorite part was getting to touch the starfish in the touch tank. She thought it was fun to pick different ones to touch. She was unsure at first about the glass floors where you could see into the tanks, but after awhile got brave enough to get down on her hands and knees and take a look!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day Out With Thomas the Train

One of Madelynn's FAVORITE things is Thomas the Train. That is her favorite show and toy, and loves anything to do with it. So when "Day Out With Thomas" came to town, we had to go. She LOVED it so much. Her favorite part was meeting "Sir Topham Hatt". 

Here she is waiting to get on the train.

On the train ready to go!

Thomas!!! (The sun was bright!)

 Sir Topham Hatt!

Monday, April 16, 2012


Last year I waited too long and did not get any pictures with the bluebonnets, so this year I was determined. Madelynn LOVES flowers and cried when I told her we couldn't pick them. We talked about how we couldn't pick the blue ones...only yellow ones. Luckily there were some yellow sprinkled in that she could pick. She thought it was a lot of fun having a photo shoot in the flowers with mommy.

Madelynn showing off her yellow flower she got to pick.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Road Trip!

This last weekend, Shara and I decided to take a quick trip to Abilene to see our Pepa with the two potty training toddlers. It was kind of crazy, but it was so much fun. We really enjoyed getting to spend time with Pepa, and letting the two littles have a fun weekend.

Madelynn getting to drive the tractor. All of the other kids are pros, but this was Madelynn's first time!

Letting Brady and Pepa chauffeur

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Obviously we have been busy around this house lately! I looked at my blog and realized that I hadn't posted since January, so here is a one post update! Jeff's company was making significant changes to their structure as well as pay plans so Jeff decided it was time to move on. He got a job with Bank of America, and is really liking his career switch so far. I have been working hard preparing for competitions and the upcoming recital at work. Madelynn has been enjoying her new dance class (without mommy). She actually participates, listens to the teacher, takes turns, etc. I am quite impressed! She really loves her teacher Miss Brenna.

We went to Chilis to celebrate Shara's Birthday- Madelynn and Brady confiscated the birthday dessert.

I don't know what this picture was...maybe I just thought she looked cute. (Which she does!)

Happy Valentines Day!

I just like this picture...but Madelynn was being my model for a "how-to" for one of the competitive groups hair for competition.

Madelynn loves to play Doctor. She hangs that stethoscope around her neck and checks us all out. She calls herself Dr. Madelynn.
I love that she thought to do this. She brought all of her "friends" and put them in her tent along with her pillow and blanket. She sat in there and watched a movie on the "patpat" (Ipad).

Happy Birthday Brady!
Hopefully it won't be so long before I post again....

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Pepa!!

I hope you had a great day! You deserve it. Love you!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Lots of Christmases

We had 3 Christmases this year! One at our house with Jeff's family, one with just us three at home, and one with my family in Abilene! Madelynn got more toys than she knows what to do with, and loves them all! We had lots of fun playing with cousins, opening presents, and eating lots of good food. We loved every minute!

Opening presents with Daddy in Abilene
Banana Bread and milk for Santa
Playing with her kitchen from Santa
Opening Presents from Jeff's side of the family

About Me

My photo
We are the Boyd Family. Now we consist of three...and a dog named Sadie. The newest member of our family, Madelynn, is already THREE! We cannot believe how fast time flew!