Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cute Face

Such a cutie!!! I love these smiles I have been getting, and this morning she was in an extra smiley mood. Probably because her tummy is actually feeling great!! I stood acting like a goon for probably 30 minutes trying to catch these...too precious.

Cute yawn.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hospital Stay

Well, turns out it was not Acid Reflux. After a couple of days of the prevacid stopped, and she began to get worse. On Wednesday I called the doctor, and the nurse told me to give it a few more days and call back on Monday if it still wasn't working. On Thursday, it had gotten to the point where I felt that I needed to use my mom judgement and I called the doctor and let them know that I would need an appt. for the next morning. After Dr. Bain saw her and heard what I had to say, she recommended that we go have some blood work done and that we go to Plano Pediatric Imaging to have an ultrasound. Jeff must have had dad's instinct because he showed up at the doctors office that morning for Madelynn's appt. He told me he just had a feeling that he needed to be there. We left the doctor and went and got her bloodwork done, then went to the imaging place. There, they performed the ultrasound and determined that Madelynn has pyloric stenosis. I had read about this, so I was aware that surgery was needed. They called Dr. Bain, and she had Madelynn admitted into Plano Presbyterian Hospital immediately. They did more tests and hooked her up to an IV. She was very dehydrated (she was back to her birth weight) and had a moderate alkolosis which is very common with babies with pyloric. They had to wait to perform the surgery until Sunday, because it is dangerous to put a baby under anesthesia when they are dehydrated and the levels of CO2, Potassium, and electrolytes are so out of balance. The surgery went great. She only has two teeny holes on her abdomen and a small incision inside of her belly button. The surgery itself lasted around 30 minutes, but she was back there for what seemed like hours (only one hour). We came home today (Tuesday) after 24 hours of her throwing up off and on. She hasn't vomitted since last night at 7:00 so they discharged us this morning when we woke up. She is becoming happier and happier with each feedng as we are able to up the amount she receives. She is no longer hungry! We are so happy that she is on the road to feeling good and being happy. Thank goodness we caught this when we did an finally have an answer! When we left this morning she weighed 9lbs 15 oz. YAY!!! They took such good care of her while she was there. I just love nurses.
The whole pediatric ward was painted like a fairy tale city. It was adoreable. When Madelynn was being difficult I would take her out into the hallway and walk around and look at the painted walls! She loved it too. She would stop crying and look all around.

In her hospital gown

Her first feeding after surgery. Everyone was so anxious that they gathered around and watched like at the zoo. It was cute.

Before the doctor on Friday. She is SO cute, but looking a little skinny.

I thought her pose while she was sleeping was SO cute.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Here are some pictures from lately. I haven't been able to post much for several reasons. The main one being that the blog wouldn't let me post pictures. The other being that I have been so busy between work, life, and a difficult issue with Madelynn. At about 3 weeks she started throwing up almost all of her milk almost every meal, and she started losing weight. Turns out she has severe Acid Reflux. We tried thickening her milk with cereal to help her hold it down but that didnt work along with the millions of other tips and tricks we tried. Finally the doctor prescriped Prevacid for her and so far it has been working pretty well. Rather that throwing up every feeding, she now throws up maybe once or twice per day and typically not as much as before. We are slowly trying to up the amount she is able to hold down so that she will be eating the amount she is supposed to for her age and start gaining her weight back. We are very thankfull that this seems to be working as Jeff and I (as well as both of our families) were pretty stressed and worried about this. Hopefully she will continue to improve each day, and our happy chubby baby will be back!

About Me

My photo
We are the Boyd Family. Now we consist of three...and a dog named Sadie. The newest member of our family, Madelynn, is already THREE! We cannot believe how fast time flew!