Tuesday, May 25, 2010


We have been so busy!
This past weekend was the annual end of the year dance recital. Jeff brought Madelynn to the last show, and she LOVED it! She was smiling, waving her arms, and having a great time. The next day was the banquet for the performing company girls. She had a great time playing with the girls, and I had a good opportunity to dress her up!
Jeff and I at the Banquet

Madelynn playing with Jillian and Alyssa


After the recital was over on the edge of the stage.

Playing on stage...getting ready for her debut in approx 3 years.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

8 Months Already?

I know its really cliche' to say that I "can't believe she is already 8 months old"...but I really can't believe it. I feel really sad everytime I think about it, but have to remind myself of blessed we are and how fun she is becoming. Even if she isn't a tiny baby anymore... She can say "dada" now really clearly, and I am pretty sure I have heard a few "mamas" but it could have been "baba"...not sure. She is starting to reach out for me when I come to pick her up, and anytime I come in the room she gets SOOO excited. It is so sweet. She is so incredibly happy (almost) all of the time, and she is so much fun. Here are a few pictures from lately.
Check out these teeth! TWO!!

She was playing on her mat and she rolled over here. I found her halfway into the pink play yard pulling toys out for herself to play with. Too cute!

Okay, so this is obviously not Madelynn. BUT it is a baby goat. When we went over to Jeff's Grandma's on Sunday, one of my inlaws' goats had had babies and they had one there with them. They said that the mom had forgotten about it, and so they had to feed it once an hour...it was so cute and tiny. I loved it. It was about 5 hours old.

Playing and looking SO big.

She was playing in her room while I was putting clothes away in her closet. I turned around to find her almost completely underneath her bed. She came out a little when I ran to get the camera, but it is still funny.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all of the wonderful Mothers in my life.

My Grandmothers- such caring and sweet women. I love them dearly.

My sister- Such an amazing mom to FIVE amazing kids. They are very lucky to have such a caring and loving mom.

My mother in law- She was so welcoming to me, and has always made me feel like a part of the family. Such a wonderful person.

Most of all to my mommy. There are not words to describe how amazing my mom is. I am so thankful for her every day. I am so blessed.

About Me

My photo
We are the Boyd Family. Now we consist of three...and a dog named Sadie. The newest member of our family, Madelynn, is already THREE! We cannot believe how fast time flew!