Friday, September 17, 2010


This is my attempt at a video...lets see if it works. This is of Madelynn playing on her new slide she got for her birthday. (There is also a swing). She loves to play on the slide as you will see. I still cannot edit those will have to wait. BUT this one is cute, and I hope you like it!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Party Animal!

Madelynn had a GREAT time at her party on Sunday. She even opened some of her presents by herself (kind of)... She loved having all of the attention and so many people to play with. Her best friend Gracelynn was there and they even got to play together afterwards while Daddy had some friends over to watch the football game.

As you can see, Madelynn loved the cake.

Opening presents with mommy

Happy Girl with all of her Birthday loot

Before the party in her party gear - thanks to Grandma C for the adorable Birthday outfit!

The birthday table.

If you want to see all of the pictures from her party- copy and paste the link below. You do not need to have a facebook account to view them.

Friday, September 10, 2010

One Year Already??

One year later, and I am up early again- ready to begin my day. Not sure why, but I can guarantee you that 6:30 is not my normal wake up time. Kind of ironic as that was the time I was supposed to arrive at the hospital. (If you remember the story, I got called several times and told to wait because they didn't have any rooms available. I really went in about 9:30am) Its still amazing to me that I have a baby, much less a one year old, but without a doubt she is the biggest blessing I or Jeff could have ever received. She is sweet, loving, (demanding!), and fun. I absolutely cannot wait to see her grow up, but do not want her to all at the same time. The year has passed so quickly. However, when I was looking back through all of my pictures this morning, I feel that we really cherished every moment and really enjoyed her. I definitely have the pictures to prove it!!!

Madelynn- we love you more than life itself, you make mommy and daddy so happy.
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Words and Pictures

I know I am supposed to be posting videos, but I cannot figure out how to save them OR edit them on my computer. SO until then, I will have to stick with pictures. I have some cute videos to post though as soon as I can figure it out. We haven't been doing anything really exciting lately...just our normal routine, but I wanted to document a few words and happenings. Madelynn is officially saying 3 real words other than the normal baby words. She is saying "Good Girl", "Uh Oh", and "Yep/Yea". I love it! Yesterday we went to Southlake Town Center to take Madelynn's One Year photos with the lady who did our maternity photos as well as Madelynn's Newborn Photos. I was SO excited. At first, she was not cooperative and really cranky, but she quickly warmed up and I am really anxious to see the pictures. At the end of the pictures Madelynn got to eat her "pre birthday cake" and she loved it. However, Daddy and I helped her at the end and it changed into a cake fight....those pictures to come as well...

Playing with her blocks...everywhere...

Sadie doesn't ever sit still long enough for pictures, much less make it into the blog. Here is Sadie.

I took this picture with the video camera...I was able to get THE PICTURE uploaded and saved...

The "Pre Birthday Cake". I made this for the pictures, and am really proud of my cake decorating skills!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Got her first birthday card in the mail today! Thanks Mema and Pepa- Madelynn loved listening to the Pooh Bear song!

About Me

My photo
We are the Boyd Family. Now we consist of three...and a dog named Sadie. The newest member of our family, Madelynn, is already THREE! We cannot believe how fast time flew!