Sunday, November 27, 2011


It is already the Christmas season? Where did the time go? I noticed that I hadn't even posted about Halloween so here is a brief rundown of how it went. Madelynn LOVED it. We went from house to house, she would knock on doors, say "Trick or Treat" and then say a quiet "Thank You" as we left. When asked if she wanted to go home, she would say "More candy!" She was a good sport. We finally made her go home when she did not want to walk anymore and wanted to be carried from house to house. Grandma made her CUTE 50's skirt, thanks Grandma C!!!

On to Christmas...we decorated for Christmas today and there were a few things that I wanted to document before I forgot.

1. Madelynn was so excited when I got out the Christmas tree. She asked if she could help, and when I told her yes she walked around the living room moving my carefully sorted piles of branches into one big pile repeating over and over " I LOVE to help mommy".

2. When I plugged in the lights and began putting them on the tree, Madelynn got really quiet and whispered in a voice full of awe, "WOW..."

3. She spent all evening playing with ornaments and nutcrackers, she got especially excited when she found a Christmas rubber duck in one of the boxes. She took it out and exclaimed "Christmas duck!!! Thank you mommy!!"

4. She thought the red shiny balls on the tree looked like apples. She thought she was really funny when she would pretend to eat them.

5. Each year I buy her a special ornament from Hallmark that has to do with something she likes. This past year I bought her a puppy ornament. When I got it out, I told her it was hers and showed it to her. When I put it on the tree, she cried and told me "No mommy! My puppy!"

So far, Madelynn is really impressed with all things Christmas. She points out Santa everywhere, and loves to see snow, Christmas trees, and Christmas lights. Lets see how excited she is, when I take her to get her picture made with Santa....I am going to guess...not as thrilled. :-)

About Me

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We are the Boyd Family. Now we consist of three...and a dog named Sadie. The newest member of our family, Madelynn, is already THREE! We cannot believe how fast time flew!