Thursday, March 25, 2010


UPDATE: Baby food has been a success. She has finally decided that it is food and that she likes it. So far she has tried (and likes) Sweet Potatoes and Green Beans. Next stop: PEACHES!!
She loves blankies. She plays with them, eats them, holds them, and they help her go to sleep at night. (She likes to hold it). This is her playing with Elephant Blankie. Notice how it is in her mouth and she is not holding it. That cracks me up.

We call this "BABY STADIUM".

Brady just passed this down to her. She loves it, but cannot move very much. When she does move...its backwards.

She loves Sadie. I would like to point out poor Sadies expression.

Friday, March 19, 2010

First Food...and First Mess

Sweet Potatoes!!

This is what I get for not scooting another foot backwards onto the tile.

This is how she felt about it.

Is it just me or does she look like she about to throw up?

She turned away, spit it out, gagged...Needless to say it was not a good experience. We will keep trying. Hopefully she will decide she likes people food and I won't have to feed her a bottle for the rest of her life.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Break

We have had an exciting Spring Break so far! Madelynn and I went with my mom to Abilene to visit my grandparents. We had a lot of fun visiting with them. I wish we had the time to go do that more often, we really enjoyed it. Today Madelynn and I went and spent time with Amanda at the mall. We ate at the food court and walked around. Jeff got off early tonight and we went on a walk with Madelynn and ended up at the park. I thought Madelynn was a little too small for the swing, but she looked SO cute and had SO much fun. She sat and giggled the whole time.
I took this picture because when I woke up she was looking at me, and I thought it was so cute. This the bed in the bedroom at my Mema and Pepa's house. My mom has a picture of me doing this same thing in this EXACT SAME bed.
Madelynn with her Pepa

With her Mema

Swinging at the Park

At the Mall with Amanda

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy 6 Months!

Happy 6th Month Birthday Madelynn!
I cannot believe she is already 6 months old. She is so much fun and has the biggest personality. Lately she has perfected all rolling over skills and has started to figure out how to sit up. She needs support, but is doing it on her own for good lengths of time. She cannot play as well when she is sitting up so she fairly quickly changes into laying on her tummy. Lately she has wanted to sleep on her tummy. Even if I put her in bed on her back, she wakes up in the morning on her tummy. She loves all of her toys and daddy loves playing them with her. We love listening to her babble and talk, and think every new noise she makes is so cute. She is much easier to get to laugh now, and we spend most of the time trying to get one. She is such a happy baby and smiles at everything. We are so blessed to have her in our family.

About Me

My photo
We are the Boyd Family. Now we consist of three...and a dog named Sadie. The newest member of our family, Madelynn, is already THREE! We cannot believe how fast time flew!