Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Break

We have had an exciting Spring Break so far! Madelynn and I went with my mom to Abilene to visit my grandparents. We had a lot of fun visiting with them. I wish we had the time to go do that more often, we really enjoyed it. Today Madelynn and I went and spent time with Amanda at the mall. We ate at the food court and walked around. Jeff got off early tonight and we went on a walk with Madelynn and ended up at the park. I thought Madelynn was a little too small for the swing, but she looked SO cute and had SO much fun. She sat and giggled the whole time.
I took this picture because when I woke up she was looking at me, and I thought it was so cute. This the bed in the bedroom at my Mema and Pepa's house. My mom has a picture of me doing this same thing in this EXACT SAME bed.
Madelynn with her Pepa

With her Mema

Swinging at the Park

At the Mall with Amanda

1 comment:

4sweetboys1princess said...

cute!! She's just the right size for the swing at the park- just don't let my kids swing her (poor Brady, Ross thought he could swing as high as the other kids!).

About Me

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We are the Boyd Family. Now we consist of three...and a dog named Sadie. The newest member of our family, Madelynn, is already THREE! We cannot believe how fast time flew!