Thursday, June 25, 2009

For Sure a Girl...??

I was SOOO nervous when I went for my doctors appt. a couple of weeks ago!!! I was not supposed to find out whether Madelynn was a girl or a boy until I went to my doctor at 25 weeks. But because NO ONE ELSE has to wait that long, and I could not be patient...I went to an ultrasound place and had a gender determination done. The lady there was almost %100 absolutely sure that it was a girl, so I really had no reason to doubt her except when I told my doctor...he downplayed it. So when I went in to do the sono I was so nervous that the doctor would find an extra tbody part that the ultrasound tech had needless to say I was so relieved when he confirmed she was a girl. My mom and I both were so nervous that we both gave a huge sigh of relief when the doctor pointed out the baby's femur (we thought he said female). haha I even sighed and said "I am so glad to hear you say that!!!" He must have thought I was nuts...or had some sort of weird "femurless" relatives...??? Anyways- I do not have a scanner so here are some random pictures of things being worked on lately. Her room is coming together, and I cant wait to see it all put together.

Some of her new things in her room, and some of her new purchases....

Friday, June 5, 2009

Too Cool

This is my newest tap student---Cody Linley!!!
For those of you who do not recognize him- he plays Jake Ryan on Hannah Montana and he was also on Dancing with the Stars (he danced with my personal favorite-Julianne Hough). He was 4th!! (He will proudly tell you). So far he has been super nice, and I have had so much fun working with him. And he is not a bad tapper for only three lessons I have to say... See him in action below on Dancing with the Stars---I got a re-creation of this dance yesterday in class. He is actually pretty calm in this clip...but in others he is a nut. I have to say that the nut is more like it.

About Me

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We are the Boyd Family. Now we consist of three...and a dog named Sadie. The newest member of our family, Madelynn, is already THREE! We cannot believe how fast time flew!