Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We just got back today from Christmas at Mema and Pepa's. Thankfully this year was a lot less eventful than last year, but still full of fun and family. We drove to Abilene on Friday and stayed for two nights. This morning my Aunt Toni, Mom, and Sisters (both sisters this year!) went on our annual After Christmas Sale Shopping Trip (Bright and early of course!), and then we left this afternoon. Madelynn loved being there with all of the family and cousins, but was glad to get home to her quiet house and where she has all of the toys to herself. We love visiting Mema and Pepa- we can't wait to come back and visit soon.
Ripping open presents!

Opening presents with daddy

Probably my favorite picture of all time...

Playing with Cousin Brady!

Its hard to get two one year olds to smile at the same time!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Pictures with the Boogey Man....I mean Santa.

Or at least that is what you would have thought when you heard Madelynn screaming and kicking. She was terrified of Santa. I was very prepared for this, as she does not like strangers. So why would a strange man in a red suit be any different? She screamed, kicked, flailed, and cried. Santa had to duck several times to not get hit, and when told by the photographer to hold Madelynn's hand down (so she wouldn't put it in her mouth) he told the photographer that he was too busy trying to hold her down. HA! All of the pictures had Madelynn screaming and flailing except this one, this must have been one of my crazy mom attempts to make her smile...or even just to stop crying. I sang songs, acted like a crazy person, and tickled to get her to stop and smile (all in the middle of the mall). So here it is...the best one. Not too bad I suppose for the terrible experience that it was. Oh well, maybe next year.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving Break

I was at home all week with Miss Madelynn! We had a great time. I got a lot of stuff done that I don't normally get to do when working, so I felt very accomplished. We started out the week at home all day while I cleaned up and did some organizing. I went to Shara's house one day and hung out with her family. We went to Jeff's Brother's house for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful meal, and then we had Jeff home the rest of the weekend. I went shopping early in the morning on Black Friday. Lots of fun- Can't wait for Christmas!

At Thanksgiving

Playing Dress Up

Even watched a little TV in her dress up clothes...

Can I play too guys?

Cute outfit that Grandma made her!

For me to remember-
Madelynn says "Hi" to EVERYONE, but is shy when they say "Hi" back. She will even sometimes say "Hi, Love!"
She LOVES books. She is constantly bringing us books to read to her. Her favorites right now are a Barney book at Grandma's house and a book about a little yorkie named Precious at home.
She loves to be tickled, and often says "tickle tickle tickle".
Loves dogs and when they bark. Anytime you ask her "What does the puppy say?" She replies with "woof woof woof". She will also "woof" anytime she hears our dog bark outside...or any dog bark for that matter.
She loves to imitate any strange noise that we make. I will sing her weird noise songs and she will try to repeat them. She also makes a very odd pig noise when you ask her to make pig noises.
She has grown really attached to her blankets. Not a particular blanket...just blankets in general. She has these small ones that are just her size that she carries around, and she gets really excited when she finds one laying around the house.
She will eat ANYTHING. Most recently she tried chips and salsa as well as chips and queso, Olive Garden salad, sweet potato waffles, and steak fajitas. She is my girl for sure!!!
Thats all I can think of for now!

About Me

My photo
We are the Boyd Family. Now we consist of three...and a dog named Sadie. The newest member of our family, Madelynn, is already THREE! We cannot believe how fast time flew!