Thursday, September 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Madelynn!

Madelynn had a GREAT birthday party with lots of family and friends. We cannot believe that our sweet munchkin is already 2 and each day she amazes us with the things she knows and learns. Her favorite part of the Birthday Party was everyone singing "happy birthday" to her. She and I had been practicing the song and how to blow out the candles for weeks, so she thought that was really special to hear everyone singing to her. She was not too impressed with opening presents. She wanted to open one...then play with it. She loved each present, but then did not want to move on to the next one. For the food, we barbecued hamburgers and hot dogs, made corn casserole and baked beans, veggies and dip, salsa and yummy watermelon salsa, my dad carved out a watermelon fruit basket, and I made tea, watermelon tea, and watermelon lemonade to drink. We had over 30 people in our house but luckily between the kids running around and a couple of extra tables set up, we had plenty of places for everyone to hang out. Here are some pictures from the party!

This is Madelynn when we were singing her "Happy Birthday". She has the BIGGEST smile on her face. She was so excited.

Opening up her picnic set from Grandma C

This is Madelynn's Happy Birthday sign. It is hard to see on here, but each picture is a picture of Madelynn with a letter spelling "Happy Birthday" that were all taken around my Pepa's house. My brother in law black and whited all of the pictures for me except for the red letters. It turned out great, and now I have a neat thing to put in her scrapbook.

Some of the cupcakes! They were Bumble Bees, Ladybugs, and ANTS!

Opening up more presents!

With her Grandma! Love this picture.

The whole table set up. I had a bit of a cake disaster the weekend before when I was making the cake as a "test run" for her picture session. SO...I did not make the cake this year. I did make all of the cupcakes though! (With the help of my friend Michelle)

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About Me

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We are the Boyd Family. Now we consist of three...and a dog named Sadie. The newest member of our family, Madelynn, is already THREE! We cannot believe how fast time flew!