Friday, April 8, 2011


Nothing too exciting happening around the Boyd household lately...just life. So I have posted some cute pictures below.

This is Madelynn at Chili's when we went with Mom and Shara for Mom's Birthday- Happy Birthday Mom!!!!! We thought it was funny that she just helped herself to the queso. She loves it!

There is a Subway next door to the "My Gym" where Madelynn takes her gym class. So, every week after class we walk next door and have Subway. This is one of our visits.

As most everyone knows...I love to do hair. I have been waiting for Madelynn's hair to get long enough to do things with for what seems like EVER. is finally long enough for a short french braid. LOVE!

One day we met up with Amy to go shopping then we went to lunch with a bunch of the staff from Footlights. This is Madelynn and Snowy doing some shopping.

My sweet helper. Always trying to help with the dishes.

1 comment:

4sweetboys1princess said...

what a cute outfit she is wearing in that last picture ;)

About Me

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We are the Boyd Family. Now we consist of three...and a dog named Sadie. The newest member of our family, Madelynn, is already THREE! We cannot believe how fast time flew!